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Why Should I use Ultimate Recovery ?
Ultimate Recovery combines the best ingredients for recovery at optimal dosages and ratios for an incredible post-workout recovery complex. Taken Immediately after your workout, Ultimate Recovery is scientifically designed to stop cortisol, increase protein synthesis, replenish your muscle’s most powerful energy source (ATP), repair muscle and joint tissue , and restore muscle and liver glycogen.
Why Ultimate Recovery contains a 1:1 carb to protein ratio?
There are studies that indicate the best post-workout carb to protein ratio to be anywhere from 1:1 to 5:1. Because our product is designed for those seeking maximum muscle recovery and lean mass gain, without fat gain, we use a 1:1 carb to protein ratio. It’s much easier to get extra carbs in your diet than it is to get extra protein. If you are very lean and have a hard time gaining size, you can easily increase this ratio by adding a banana or 2 tbsp of honey to increase the ratio to 2:1. Add 2 bananas or 4 tbsp of honey to get to 3:1.
Why does Ultimate Recovery contain a 4:1:1 BCAA ratio?
Studies indicate that leucine is the most important of the 3 Branched Chain Amino Acids ( Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine) when it comes to protein synthesis and muscle recovery. Adding Leucine to post workout meal halts muscle breakdown and can actually increase protein synthesis up to 60%. Ultimate Recovery contains added Leucine to boost its ratio to the other BCAA’s to 4:1:1.
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